Alabama State Inaugural Ball Raises $1 Million for Student Scholarships

Alabama State University stakeholders formally welcomed President Quinton Ross to leadership this week with an inaugural ball that raised $1 million in support of ASU students.

School officials surprised Dr. Ross with the gift during the event, raised from alumni and corporate donations. Earlier in the week, members of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. Gamma Sigma chapter donated more than $100,000 to the university during a banquet honoring Dr. Ross, who joined the fraternity as a student at Alabama State.

“What a wonderful gift for our students from those of you who care the most about them,” said Dr. Ross, who was appointed as president in September 2017. “This incredible gift will serve them in a million ways as a bridge to help many of them obtain and complete their education at the Alabama State University. It also demonstrates to the world that the momentum of success is growing at our university, or as we say, ‘the Buzz is Back at ASU.”

The gala drew more than attendees, including Congresswoman Terri Sewell and entertainer Rickey Smiley.

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