Students at the Martin Dixon Intergenerational Center (MDIC) on the campus of Bennett College donated $1,000 to the American Cancer Society recently through its “Change for Change” program in honor of the Bennett’s president, Rosalind Fuse-Hall, a cancer survivor.
“It is important to teach the children the value of giving and not to expect anything in return,” said Demetria G. Craven, director of the MDIC. “In life, we are taught it is better to give than to receive and to always help others. The children may not understand this at such a young age, but hopefully they will remember the experience and the lessons taught.”
The community service project, in its fourth year, was initiated by Shavon Pulley-Baker, lead teacher in one of the N.C. Pre-K classrooms at the Center (MDIC), a laboratory preschool. The first walk began in 2012 to bring awareness to preschool age children about cancer. With the help of family members and the Bennett College community, the children raised $262 in change and the proceeds were donated to University of North Carolina Children’s Cancer Hospital in Chapel Hill in honor of Pulley-Baker’s son Zuri Baker.
In 2013, the children raised $370 and the proceeds were donated to Wesley Long Cancer Center in honor of Diana Jones, the mother of Whitney Jones, receptionist of the MDIC. Last year in 2014, the center honored Bernetta Harper, administrative assistant to the vice-president of administrative services at Bennett College. The MDIC raised $520 in her honor for scholarships on campus and the Wesley Long Cancer Center.
Each year, the event took place on the track of the Wellness Center at Bennett College. This year the children raised $251. This amount was matched by President Fuse-Hall and her husband Dr. Jarvis Hall. In addition Mrs. Joyce Martin Dixon, an alumna of Bennett College and members of The Links, Inc. also contributed a donation, bringing the grand total to $1,000, the amount donated to The American Cancer Society in honor of President Fuse-Hall.
As part of this year’s effort, the MDIC staff, parents, and women from The Links, Inc. participated in the American Cancer Society’s annual “Making Strides against Breast Cancer” walk Saturday October 31, 2015.
“This event coincides with the MDIC’s mission of teaching the students the value of giving back to the community and to others,” said Craven.