HBCU Digest Radio – Heritage Foundation's Jonathan Butcher Talks Campus Free Speech

The senior policy analyst talks about legislative action in several states, including HBCU states surrounding on-campus free speech and student rights.

3 thoughts on “HBCU Digest Radio – Heritage Foundation's Jonathan Butcher Talks Campus Free Speech

  1. The nature of the vote of no confidence in no way indicates that she should be classified as having a “controversial work history.” She probably did the right thing to resign, given what was clearly in a toxic and hostile work environment. I wish others would do similarly.

  2. I agree a vote of no confidence from a PWI is no reason to say she is not qualified for the position. However a hope the search committee did do there due diligence and background work on Dr. Gibson to support there decision because it will be scrutinized especially if she runs into similar problems at Morgan State

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