CIAA, SIAC Suspend Fall Sports
In an era of social distancing and racial awakening, two of the nation’s historically black collegiate athletic conferences worked together to send tremors through the power structure of college sports.
The Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association and the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference jointly announced that they care enough about black athletes, coaches, and fans to suspend all fall sports and championships for a possible springtime debut.
“The CIAA and SIAC both appreciate and understand the significant impact that today’s announcements had in regard to the status of 2020 Fall sports. Both the CIAA and SIAC enjoy athletic-related events, traditions, and rivalries that date back over one-hundred years. However, in light of the increased health and safety risks confronting much of the country, today the CIAA and SIAC affirm that the welfare of our student-athletes is sacrosanct and must preempt all other considerations when evaluating any return to competition efforts…”