African Americans make up nearly one-third of all citizens currently waiting for kidney transplant matches and are among the least likely among all racial groups to volunteer for living or post-death organ donation. But for The Lincoln University of Pennsylvania’s Timothy and Reachell Chambers, fate created a different narrative of survival just in time for the holidays.
Both have long-suffered from kidney disease and dialysis treatments for years. But matches were found this fall for Timothy, director of LU’s Orange Crush Roaring Lions Marching Band since 2016, and Reachell, an executive assistant in the university’s division of academic affairs since 2017.
They underwent successful kidney transplant surgeries in October and November of this year, and according to Lincoln officials, will be returning this year to open arms on campus.
“It couldn’t have happened for two better people. Both of them have giving hearts and have poured into our students since Mr. Chambers’ arrival in 2016,” said Dr. Patricia P. Ramsey, provost and vice president for academic affairs. “Although Mrs. Chambers didn’t work for the University, at that time, she generously assisted Mr. Chambers with the flag squad and was the unofficial ‘band mom.’”