Morgan State University is the latest historically black college to post a perfect passage rate on the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN), the nationally required test for nursing credentialing.
Nine MSU graduates passed the examination on their first attempt, the highest rate for all public nursing programs in the state of Maryland.
“Achieving this goal is yet another testament to the hard work, perseverance and commitment of the nursing faculty and the graduates who demonstrated what they had learned, from a content (analysis/application perspective) and what they’ve learned as professionals as it relates to the qualities ingrained in them throughout the program,” said Maija Anderson, D.N.P., R.N., director of Nursing Programs at Morgan State. “We continue our drive towards excellence in nursing education with the knowledge that we can more than adequately prepare excellent nurses for the workforce here in Maryland and abroad. This knowledge supports our ongoing mantra, ‘Semper Ad Meliora,’ which simply means ‘always towards better things.’ ”
Morgan State joins Fayetteville State University, and Lincoln University of Missouri on the list of HBCUs with 100% cohort pass rate success this year.