Counters libel claim with facts, pettiness.
Counters libel claim with facts, pettiness.

The New York Times has responded to Donald Trump plans to sue the paper for libel. With actual facts and a terse letter designed as yet another political selfie taken against the backdrop of his dumpster-fire presidential campaign.
The Times was under no obligation to print a story on what was, despite Trump’s bluster, a potential matter of litigation. But in the pettiest of journalistic flawless victories the Times wrote a full article about the saga.
Trump Threatens to Sue The Times Over Article on Unwanted Advances
Donald J. Trump threatened to sue The New York Times for libel on Wednesday night in response to an article that…
And then there was this humble brag on its own ripple effect.
After The Times published its article, several other news organizations published stories that included different accounts from women who said that Mr. Trump touched them inappropriately or behaved rudely. In the video that emerged last week, Mr. Trump boasted in 2005 that he could kiss and grope women as he pleased because he was a celebrity.