Helping us to drive the conversation.
Helping us to drive the conversation.

Thanks everyone for reading! In the last month since transitioning over to Medium, you’ve helped our publication to grow exponentially on the platform, and we appreciate your support.
Now, I’m writing to ask you for a huge favor that will help our publication to generate more traffic, dialog and exposure to a nation of HBCU advocates — recommending content.
Quite simply, if you like an article, please consider clicking the little heart at the bottom of each story. This helps us to reach more of your individual followers, and those who use Medium’s search and recommended reading functions.
Part of our goal in moving to Medium was to help advance conversation on race, through the lens of historically black colleges and universities. With your help, I’m sure we will accomplish this goal.
You can find more information on recommending here.
Thank you again for all of your support, and I look forward to receiving your feedback and comments.
Yours in advocacy,