Officials at South Carolina State University told trustees yesterday that fundraising and development is expected to double this year in comparison to last year’s numbers.
SCSU President Franklin Evans said that the university’s foundation has raised more than $1 million in the last four months, just $200,000 shy of the total number of gifts received by the school during the last fiscal year. From WLTX:
“Certainly we’re going to probably double what we did last year so that is really encouraging,” Evans beamed. “I want to pat on the back some of the people who have been working extremely hard, but it really just isn’t a one dimensional effort, it is a collective effort of a lot of people.”
Evans also says that student fees will be increased to finance renovation and enhancement projects and technology upgrades. Additionally, officials announced that the university has eliminated a $19 million deficit through public bonds, stabilized enrollment and $4 million in state appropriations.
