SOCIAL – @CharityCSports Asks: What White Employer Would Hire an HBCU Grad?

Charity Chambers, a producer with KOSA-TV in West Texas and a graduate of Texas A&M University, tweeted this earlier today about job prospects for graduates of historically black colleges and universities.
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That tweet prompted national response from HBCU students and graduates, who soon began to tweet CBS Vice President of Entertainment Diversity and Communications Tiffany Smith-Anao’i, an alumna of Howard University.

6 thoughts on “SOCIAL – @CharityCSports Asks: What White Employer Would Hire an HBCU Grad?

  1. This is yet another reason why integration was very damaging to the black community. When you got your own who get educated from PWIs they look down at the schools that their parents and grandparents went to (they also share blame in this)

    1. I feel bad because this is a young lady who graduated just two years ago. Like many students, she has no clue about the history behind HBCUs, or why they appear on the surface to lag behind predominantly white institutions. She is a representation of how many of our young people look at our schools; non-competitive, relics of the past, ineffective in professional pursuits. Those of us who attended know that its not true, but when you have nine out of every ten black students in American attending PWIs, and a healthy percentage of that number thinking and speaking poorly about HBCUs, it shows how tall the climb is just for understanding and support in our own communities.

      1. Lol crazy thing is that she’s ACTUALLY RIGHT!! It’s sad that the world is this way but she’s on point with this tweet. Black people often get defensive when the truth hits home for them. I graduated from an HBCU and have received discrimination in the job force… Numerous of times because of my school. It is real out here. But what’s more pathetic is that you all are just jealous of her being more achieved in her lifetime than y’all have ever been. I’ve seen this girl and she is 100 times better looking than all the hoodrats trying to bring her down. I’m a new fan of hers. She’s a true star in the making!

  2. I see you MVSU! Represent for the Valley! I agree with both of the comments posted. We ran to water someone else’s grass and didn’t tend to or upkeep our own yard. The clean up and restoration process will be long and tedious, but worth the effort!! It’s time to take back our pride. My grandmother always said people will talk about you and say negative things. What’s important is that whatever they say, don’t let it be true….. Time to tell our own story!!

  3. People who have a hard time finding a job from a PWI or HBCU should take a hard look in the mirror, their resume, and their network. Anyone who hadn’t built a good brand will be jobless.
    With that said I routinely am hired over folks from PWIs. And he’ll folks from random as PWIS should realize your local white college is often lesser ranked than many HBCUs. All PWIS aren’t created equal.

  4. The implication that HBCU students have a difficult time finding jobs is totally ridiculous!!!!! As a proud and check writing alumnus of an HBCU, I personally know scores of HBCU graduates that are gainfully employed in major corporations and governmental entities. I refuse to sit back and let anyone suggest otherwise; However, I do believe our schools are being mismanaged by elite blacks who don’t know how to operate an educational institution in the 21 century!!! We must purge our institutions of these people and hire people who have vision and know how to bring that vision to pass.

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