South Carolina State Approves New Online Courses

Trustees at South Carolina State University have approved for the school to offer online courses in political science and public administration.

SCSU board approves online offerings

South Carolina State University will soon offer political science/public administration courses online as well as through traditional classes. At a special called meeting Tuesday, trustees voted by teleconference to approve a proclamation adding 12 credits of public administration courses and six credits of management courses as online offerings toward a bachelor’s degree.

The Times and Democrat reports that the new offerings will be exclusive for undergraduate programs and will complement traditional on-campus classes. Officials say the new offerings will allow adult learners greater flexibility in course scheduling.

“The significance of this program revision is the delivery of the public administration program online for non-traditional students, so it’s a flexible format, and our three professors in the program are all trained to deliver this program online,” (SCSU Provost Learie) Luke told the T&D.

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