Stillman College will join a network of colleges and universities nationwide helping military veterans to establish second careers in education, thanks to a $400,000 grant in support of its ‘Troops to Teachers’ initiative.
Stillman will help veterans to receive educational training and certification preparation to help vets position themselves for jobs in primary and secondary schools in some of Alabama’s most underserved school districts. From WBRC in Birmingham:
“It’s like winning the Super Bowl for us here at Stillman College to be able to have a grant that allows us to let my brothers and sisters in arms find jobs teaching, but then also help hard to serve schools,” explained Derwin Dubose, the Executive Director Veterans and Military Affairs at Stillman College.
According to school officials, qualifying veterans may also receive a $10,000 bonus from the U.S. Department of Defense for committing to teaching positions in the Alabama Black Belt. The training program is open to active duty and retired military personnel.
Stillman is the only institution in Alabama to offer the TTT program.