A Crucial Year in HBCU Leadership: The 2021-22 HBCU Executive Turnover Report

For nothing is fixed, forever, forever, forever,  it is not fixed, the earth is always shifting,  the light is always changing […] James Baldwin, “For Nothing is Fixed” Executive turnover […]

Human Rights Nonprofit Announces HBCU Multi-Campus Scholarship Endowment Project

Good of All, a nonprofit organization committed to educating citizens about human rights and freedoms recently announced the launch of the Universal Rights Scholarship Program, named for civil rights advocacy […]

Tuskegee, Virginia State Placed on Accreditation Warning

The Southern Association for Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges has placed Tuskegee University and Virginia State University on accreditation warning status, citing the schools for falling below standards of […]

Yesterday's HBCU Pride is Today's HBCU Irrelevance

Hall of fame pro football talent from the 1960s through the early 1990’s has not landed one HBCU a top-25 recruit in the last 20 years. And over that same period, hundreds of iconic graduates of HBCUs in a variety of industries have not helped HBCUs to remain as the premier destination for the nation’s top-achieving African-American students.