Kentucky State is on the verge of selling its leadership, future for $23 million

A bill has advanced through committee in Kentucky’s House of Representatives that, if passed by both chambers will grant Kentucky State University $23 million in fake bailout money and will cost the institution its autonomy and future as a sustainable historically Black institution.

Several HBCUs placed on federal financial sanctions last fall, but context is key

The department has been uneven in recent years at data keeping for default rates, which has been scrutinized for lacking context on the raw numbers associated with graduation or attrition rates.

US News Rankings Shouldn't Overshadow HBCU Results

Several historically black colleges and universities are claiming new spots on the controversial list of the nation’s best institutions as ranked by the US News and World Report. The annual […]

Are HBCU Boards Reversing Course on Presidential Firings?

Kentucky State University President M. Christopher Brown II received a four-year contract extension this afternoon, with officials citing growth and increased awareness of the institution just over a year after […]