Tallahassee Police: Alleged Yeti Rape Footage Not Produced at FAMU

Tallahassee police officials say that footage showing an alleged rape was not shared on Florida A&M University’s campus, contradicting several reports and social media activity which peaked last night about the incident. 

The Tallahassee Democrat today reports that the social sharing site Yeti has been in contact with the Tallahassee Police Department, which has questioned the man responsible for uploading a video allegedly showing another man, who is unidentifiable in the video, having sex with an incapacitated woman. 

Students from FAMU took to twitter last night to alert the campus community of the apparent crime, which originally broke on the women’s pop culture blog Jezebel

 FAMU Police officials told several media outlets that they they are working with outside agencies and on campus to identify any connection between students and the video. 

“We cannot confirm that the alleged incident as seen on Yeti is in any way connected to Florida A&M University or its students,” (FAMU Police Chief Terrance) Calloway said. “We have exhausted all resources in trying to identify the individuals in the video and confirm the authenticity of the incident. The University is committed to the safety of our students, and in no way condones acts of violence on or off campus, nor in the communities we serve.”

TPD representatives say that they have yet to identify an alleged suspect or victim in the investigation. 


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