UNCF's Strategy is Clear; If Policy and Philanthropy Won't Save HBCUs, Try PR

United Negro College Fund President and CEO Michael Lomax has waged a war on HBCU accreditors; namely the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools’ Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). Given the political and financial climate surrounding UNCF’s member schools, the strategy makes perfect sense and is one we’ve seen play out recently on a far bigger, related stage.

If you can’t win the game, say that its rules and construct are rigged.

Small private colleges and universities across the country are shutting down thanks to falling enrollment and endowment returns and the rising costs of capital loans, salary and benefits. Some estimates suggest that between 25-50 percent of all colleges in the country today will not exist in the next 10-20 years.

And if the number is that bleak for the industry at large, imagine how grim the prospects must be for historically black institutions?

So we can only imagine that UNCF is backed into a terrible position for which Dr. Lomax, a former HBCU president, will one day have to answer two tough questions in the face of massive accreditation sanctions, revocations, and institutional closures.

How did we let this happen, and more importantly, how did UNCF, the fundraising and advocacy arm of all private HBCUs, let this happen?

UNCF is very much feeling the same financial pressures that its member schools are facing. Tax documents from 2016 and 2017 show that total expenses outpaced revenues at the organization by more than $186 million over the two-year period.

UNCF 2016 990 FORM
UNCF 2017 990 FORM

While facing their own money woes, several UNCF member schools were in the midst of serious financial strain that would lead to accreditation inquiry. Bennett College, Saint Augustine’s University and Johnson C. Smith University all faced questions about financial stability, and three years later, only two of the institutions were reaffirmed.

Four UNCF schools are currently on probationary status with SACSCOC and the Higher Learning Commission; Bethune-Cookman University, Fisk University, Paine College and Wilberforce University. All face varying levels of debt and revenue solvency, with some positioned to be removed from sanction, and others bracing for the worst.

Those seven schools make up 18 percent of UNCF’s total membership. Collectively, they each have earned more coverage for their struggles than for their considerable gains in preparing students for extraordinary success in their careers and personal lives. Without accreditation, it is not clear if they can even remain as UNCF member schools, and eligible for fund sharing for scholarships and special programs.

And over these three years of financial turmoil for both the UNCF headquarters and its vulnerable member schools, the advocacy organization has made invaluable headway in partnership with the U.S. Congress and the Trump Administration.

Loan payments for three UNCF schools nearly destroyed by Hurricane Katrina were forgiven outright. Eight member schools received six-year loan payment deferments and had nearly $1 million in a previously paid installment returned. UNCF applauded the federal government for a number of initiatives to expand funding for capital preservation, and federal appropriations.

But it wasn’t enough to spare two member schools from losing accreditation in three years, or enough to help several other member schools avoid mounting debt and falling numbers of students.

So Dr. Lomax and UNCF tried the next best approach of reframing the narrative on HBCUs with the 2017 release of its national HBCU economic impact study. That project generated buzz, but its incomplete view of black colleges as true economic drivers created unintended consequences of revealing just how far behind our schools are in the higher education industry.

The view was so incomplete in fact, that other schools like Morgan State University and Central State University published their own economic impact studies, which showcased more detailed elements of HBCUs creating jobs, wealth and civic progress than UNCF’s report.

Two years later, UNCF unveiled its inaugural ‘State of the HBCU Address,’ which, as a list mostly comprised of demands and hopes for the private HBCU sub-sector rather than a report on its successes and value, included an attack on accreditors and their alleged inequitable treatment of HBCUs.

A day ago it was all a bit confusing. Why would one of the most powerful men in all of higher education, and a leading advocate for historically black colleges blame accreditation as a source of what ails HBCUs? But now it all makes sense; for all that Dr. Lomax and his team at UNCF have done in the form of legislative lobbying, fundraising, advocacy and promotion of HBCU value, they are still losing money. Their member schools are losing students and money. Investors and donors are losing patience, and lawmakers are losing confidence.

What else could he do, any of us do, other than accuse the system of being rigged against black colleges? What better way to arouse the racial and social sensibilities of active and latent HBCU stakeholders than to allege a wide-ranging conspiracy from accreditors to take out our schools?

Never mind that a majority of HBCUs are in good accreditation standing and have been for years, never mind that beauty schools across the country with far fewer students and far less complex missions are fully accredited by the same agencies. And never mind that if the U.S. Department of Education could have its way, there would be virtually no oversight to determine if HBCUs were operating with fiscal integrity or stability.

That could mean that a college could go out of business nearly instantly, leaving students and faculty helpless in their academic and professional next steps.

It makes sense that UNCF, after all of its hard work, would revert to a PR strategy to cultivate attention and support for black colleges. And while the strategy and execution could be a little stronger, there’s no shame in the organization doing all it can to keep itself and its member schools alive.

After all, if it worked to help elect a historically despised U.S. president, then surely it can help some small, black liberal arts colleges, right?

6 thoughts on “UNCF's Strategy is Clear; If Policy and Philanthropy Won't Save HBCUs, Try PR

  1. This is awesome. Malcolm X said “you fight your oppressor with the same tactics and strategies he uses to oppress the people”. That is exactly what UNCF President is doing.

  2. Yep, the chicken is coming to home to roost at UNCF. Once they lost the Gates Scholars program a few years back to the Hispanics (most of ya’ll don’t know that because they didn’t make a big announcement about that), we knew there were going to be some tough times for UNCF.
    Jarret is right. They and their schools have money problems so it’s now time to play the race card. But there’s one problem: a black lady runs the big accreditor agency he complains about and she wasn’t having that sh&$! from Lomax. She wrote a powerful note eating him up.
    Say what you want about Trump and Republicans, but they have done good by HBCUs — much better than Obama.
    Now the Democrats and CBC have the House of Reps, let’s see what they do. Lomax gave their report card on House Members, which was short on Republicans and long on Dems. They sure better earn their grades now

  3. Interesting commentary but something seems to be missing. When discussing HBCUs, lumping the smaller, private HBCUs together with the large (and in some cases much larger) public, state supported HBCUs is a little disingenuous. St. Augustine and JCSU for example cannot be accurately compared to WSSU, NCATSU or any other state supported North Carolina HBCU in terms of resources or anything financial. UNCF is addressing issues facing its smaller member schools and as expected SACSCOC is defending itself. I would have hoped this commentary would have been more neutral and provided more context for the readers. How many small, private HBCUs are/were accredited by SACSCOC? Of those, how many have lost accreditation.? If the small, private HBCUs are only 10% of the SACSCOC population, yet they are 70% of those who have lost accreditation..that would deserve a second look.

  4. @Disparity Matters, your observation is on point. The issue is really small private colleges, non-profits and HBCUS. Small colleges appear to be under scrutiny. Your question ask if small private HBCUS are being disproportionately impacted and if so why? One major factor in the process is the issue of financial aid and the Dept of Ed. Once a school is placed on Heightened Cash Monitoring 2 or even 1, the report is sent to the accreditors and at that point the accreditor cites the school for financial instability or Adminstrative instability neither is a good place to be. The schools you mention have all been on the list, some as recent as December, 2017. Once this happens the colleges are under intense scrutiny. I observed that because of location most of these colleges and universities are located in either the SACS or Higher Learning Commission regions. HBCUS are in the SACS region and thus the appearance of differential treatment. Regardless, I do think it is important for colleges to be assessed in an arena where the rubric for review is closely aligned with their mission. I do not believe that HBCUS should be held to the same accreditor process as large public/private colleges. Similarly, two-year schools should have their own accrediting process and the same for colleges and universities as well as public and private schools. It may be time for restructuring the SACS accrediting processing.

  5. You seem to miss the point here that this is not, and never should be, about institutions (big or small, state or private); it should be about students.
    The accrediting agencies are not supposed to give one damn about a school’s history, their brand, etc. The accreditors are supposed to ensure the school operates and has the resources to provide a high-quality education to the students who are investing their time and money to attend the school.
    So, all of this focus on the school is misplaced. If a school, despite its storied past, stops delivering value for students TODAY, it should lose i
    Small schools, black and white, are struggling to keep their doors open. Let’s focus on that. If HBCU Alums want their schools to remain open, hire great leaders, let them lead, and donate. If we follow this simple, 3-step process we won’t have to worry about the accreditors.

  6. Please do not underestimate the importance of our ‘National Treasures….HBCUs’ Historically Black Colleges and Universities represent 3% of America’s colleges and universities. If it were not for this small group of schools black Americans would have a small representation in most academic professions in America. Data does not lie. Each year Diverse Issues in Higher Education presents data on the top 100 degree producers by race. I will focus on engineering, that has been my work world, out of the top six schools, five are HBCUs. I am not surprised because I know where most of my companies black engineers received their degrees.
    Please read this wonderful book,
    Pulse of Perseverance: Three Black Doctors on Their Journey to Success
    Authors: Joseph Semien (Jr.), Maxime Madhere, and Pierre Johnson (M.D.)
    January, 2018
    “Pulse of Perseverance is the honest, deeply personal tale of three young black men’s refusal to succumb to failure and how together, they overcame daunting odds to take their place among the just five percent of U.S. doctors who are black. Through writing as passionate as it is relatable the authors provide an unflinching look at the barriers black Americans face as they try to move out of the place society has designated for them. This book is a searing indictment of our still separate and unequal education system, one that ensures the road to becoming a doctor, or a lawyer or professor, will be much harder for black children than it will be for white. Yet, at its core, Pulse of Perseverance is an inspirational story of what can be accomplished with dedication, the support of people with similar goals, and the investment from institutions dedicated to black success. This book is the North Star for every black child who sees something greater for himself than the world would have him believe.”

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