From a single mother to a determined CEO of a local non-profit, a Winston-Salem State University business student is on a mission to help other single mothers and their daughters break the cycle of poverty.
Five years ago, Rasheeda Shankle, who will earn her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from WSSU this month, was a single mother living in a poverty-stricken area of Winston-Salem and working a minimum wage job.
“I became a statistic, a product of my environment,” Shankle said. “Living here, I witnessed how awful the living conditions were, I saw how the communities living conditions forced people to live and behave unethically.”
“I also noticed that there were many individuals who had a desire to do more but were unable to due to their resources or lack of support. Some people that have ambition to do more lack the confidence to step outside of their comfort zone. Their comfort zone was their community, and I knew it was not the life that I wanted to live.”
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