Hillary Clinton Receives CBC Endorsement, HBCU Alumni in Caucus Hold Differing Views

Black federal lawmakers have endorsed Hillary Clinton for the democratic presidential nomination, two weeks ahead of a critical primary for black voters in South Carolina. But caucus members with HBCU ties have varying views about endorsing the former Secretary of State and First Lady in her second presidential bid.
Caucus Chair and North Carolina Central University graduate G.K. Butterfield praised Clinton as the candidate who best understand the racial issues facing the nation. From CBS News:

“We must have a president who is knowledgeable on both domestic and foreign policy,” CBC chair Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D-North Carolina, said Thursday. “Black lives are being lost on the streets of America because of police misconduct and gang violence…and so we must have a president that understands the racial divide.”

“After considering the entire field, there is no question in our mind and in our minds that one single candidate — one — possesses the patience, experience and temperament,” Butterfield continued, naming Clinton.

But South Carolina State University alumnus James Clyburn, a long-tenured congressman who abstained from an endorsement in the 2008 presidential campaign, again withheld public support for a candidate – for the time being.

“We’ll be meeting with family and friends this weekend when I get down to South Carolina and I’ll make some decision after that,” Clyburn said Thursday. “I won’t be making any endorsements today or this week.” Clyburn remained neutral in 2008, as well.

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