Morehouse Kicks Papa John's Off Campus

Morehouse College yesterday announced the suspension of Papa John’s from its campus dining program, following allegations that company founder John Schnatter used a racial epithet during a conference call with public relations consultants.

In a statement posted to the college’s Twitter account, the school will seek other options to replace the campus-based franchise.

Morehouse campus dining services are controlled by Aramark, which last month donated $2.25 million to extend the company’s facilities management outsourcing agreement with the college.
Papa John’s, which recently ended its sponsorship deal with the NFL and had a similar deal with Major League Baseball suspended, may face other retribution from HBCU communities. Nicholas Perkins, Founder and CEO of Perkins Management Services Company Inc., has confirmed that his company will terminate its master license agreement with the company and will remove the brand from its on-campus offerings.
“Equality is a cornerstone of American entrepreneurship, in service to customers and in business practices such as competitive bidding, wage distribution and employee benefit provision,” said Perkins, a Fayetteville State University alumnus. “While I am appalled by the revelations of Schnatter’s comments, I am honored to be part of the HBCU network, and applaud one of our institutional leaders taking a public stand against intolerance.”
Perkins manages food service for nine HBCUs and several community colleges, with Burger King, Pizza Hut, Red Mango and Freshens Smoothies franchises among its portfolio.

9 thoughts on “Morehouse Kicks Papa John's Off Campus

  1. Excellent move, as HBCUs we have to be responsible who we do business with. Morehouse is showing the action by the former CEO of Papa Johns is not acceptable.

  2. Though I didn’t graduate from a HBCU,
    I still supported the action that Morehouse took to get rid of Papa Johns. I don’t think I couldn’t go to a eating establishment where I’m not respected. The awful part is that the CEO isn’t accepting responsibly for his words.
    Even if Morehouse didn’t sign off from Papa Johns,I still would have refused their services. Their pizza taste like garbage and I’m not just saying that out of displeasure for them but really. I haven’t eaten Papa John’s in 20 years.

  3. We have to model for our young men and women that we should NEVER reward someone for showing blatant disrespect for who you are. We know that money is a powerful tool and ours is just as green. Some people have to learn the hard way.

  4. So glad that Morehouse did the right thing. We need to continue to hold those individuals and organizations accountable, not only for what is said but their actions to include diversity in practice and procurement. Lets let our voices be heard.

  5. It will not be protests or expressing outrage en mass in the rain but the silent and deadly power of withholding money…that will make them do all sorts of dances to earn the privilege of us spending our money with them.
    All Humans Matter!!

  6. Excellent move. As with any business, if you are disrespected do not patronize them. Spend your money wisely, which includes to whom you spend your money with.

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