Albany State Appoints Four New Deans

Albany State University has appointed new deans to the university’s leadership. The deans will fill positions in four of the university’s five colleges. The appointments are effective July 1. “I […]

Georgia Regents Approve Albany State Merger, Fort Valley State Presidential Appointment

University System of Georgia regents today approved a proposal to make Albany State University one of the nation’s largest and most comprehensive historically black colleges, by way of a merger with nearby Darton State College. 

Georgia Can Take Historic Lead on Racial Equity Through Higher Education

And while loyalties, like campus leaders, can change, the legislature and the higher ed officials know that HBCU development is not only a good look during a time of national racial strife, but it is also federal law, protected in part by hundreds HBCU graduates and students being undefeated in federal lawsuits filed in Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana and Maryland.