Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. will award the first 32 institutional recipients of funds raised by the organization’s successful one-day million-dollar fundraising campaign held last fall.
Awarded Schools
Albany State University, Alcorn State University, American Baptist College, Bennett College for Women, Chicago State University, Coppin State University, Fayetteville State University, Florida Memorial University, Fort Valley State University, Grambling State University, Harris-Stowe State University, Le Moyne-Owen College, Lincoln University, Livingstone College, Miles College, Mississippi Valley State University, Norfolk State University, North Carolina Central University, Philander Smith College, Savannah State University, Shaw University, South Carolina State University, Southern University at New Orleans, St. Augustine’s University, Stillman College, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Voorhees College, West Virginia State University, Wilberforce University, Wiley College, Paul Quinn College and Edward Waters College.
I reported this on our facebook page yesterday. Since AKA Corporate Headquarters is in Chicago we got word of what they was doing early yesterday morning despite the -50 degrees windchill outside. But the AKAs have stepped there game up and I only hope the rest of the Divine 9 do the same.