Kentucky State Students Impress at MLB Winter Meetings

Ten Kentucky State University students loaded two vans with three days of luggage and high hopes of landing an internship at professional baseball’s Winter Meetings. The Winter Meetings were held December 6-10 in Nashville and featured seminars, a trade show, and most important to the students, a job fair.

“There were numerous opportunities to get a career, either part-time, full-time or an internship as an associate or member of minor league or major league baseball. It was definitely eye-opening for me,” Arefes Everette, a senior and member of the KSU baseball team said. Everette found out about the job fair from head baseball coach Rob Henry who accompanied the students on the trip.

The students’ majors ranged from education to mass communications and just four of those in attendance were members of the baseball team.

Read the full story – KSU students score interviews at baseball’s Winter Meetings in Nashville


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