SC State on Pace to Double Fundraising in 2015-16

Officials at South Carolina State University told trustees yesterday that fundraising and development is expected to double this year in comparison to last year’s numbers. 

When White Privilege Empowers Black Protest

From its leadership, to its programs, to its recruiting and marketing, there are few elements outside of black student unions which are exclusively created, staffed, strategically developed and cultured to welcome and embrace black students, or any racial minorities. And we falsely think that because civil rights is the law of the land, that it also should be or could be the law of the mind and heart for predominantly white campus culture everywhere.

Georgia Regents Approve Albany State Merger, Fort Valley State Presidential Appointment

University System of Georgia regents today approved a proposal to make Albany State University one of the nation’s largest and most comprehensive historically black colleges, by way of a merger with nearby Darton State College. 

'Homeless at Howard' is Selfish Outlier Within Legitimate HU Student Movement

The fortunate part of this story is that he wasn’t expelled from the university altogether for breaking such an important rule designed to keep students and staff safe. The unfortunate part is that he, along with a small group of other students and Twitter advocates, thought that his case would be a good one for media coverage and public sympathy. 

Georgia Can Take Historic Lead on Racial Equity Through Higher Education

And while loyalties, like campus leaders, can change, the legislature and the higher ed officials know that HBCU development is not only a good look during a time of national racial strife, but it is also federal law, protected in part by hundreds HBCU graduates and students being undefeated in federal lawsuits filed in Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana and Maryland.