A Crucial Year in HBCU Leadership: The 2021-22 HBCU Executive Turnover Report

For nothing is fixed, forever, forever, forever,  it is not fixed, the earth is always shifting,  the light is always changing […] James Baldwin, “For Nothing is Fixed” Executive turnover […]

University presidential exodus is a sign of the great storm ahead in higher education

They also are expert readers of writing on the wall that in most cases is painted in invisible ink; fewer people can afford or want to go to college, politics are more intrusive in the university setting than they’ve ever been, and stakeholder groups are going to be increasingly demanding of the campus as a catalyst for social, economic and political change that it wasn’t designed to deliver. 

HBCU boards must resist the temptation of proving innovation through untested leadership

Boards must consider the time and temperature of their work and the long-term impacts they can create by miscalculating institutional fit between campus and leadership.

Hampton President, First Lady Eclipse $3 Million in Donations to University

With Dr. and Mrs. William R. Harvey’s latest $100,000 gift to the William R. Harvey Leadership Institute, HU’s University President has given more than $3 million to the institution of higher learning that has grown exponentially under his leadership.  That personal donation dollar amount is $3,066,327.